Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The End of the World?

For those of you who've seen the signs all over the place declaring the end of the world at the end of this week, here is a little background on how the whole fiasco started. This has been written up by a professor named W. Robert Godfrey at Westminster Seminary California. Here are the set of links to each writeup...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

While doomsdayers like this aren't new, what astonishes me is the amount of influence he has with an entire radio network at his disposal. It's actually quite troubling and saddening. What's more is that many of his followers have bet everything on this, potentially devastating their entire life's savings and relationships on the world ending in just a couple days. And of course, when the world inevitably doesn't end and all their visions shatter before their eyes many, rather than seeing the error of their ways, will continue to blindly follow Harold Camping and say that the Bible must've been wrong.

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