Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where, Oh Death, Is Thy Victory?

Oh Death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory? (1 Corinthians 15:55, KJV)

I've often said that if I were to ever teach a philosophy class my very first lesson would be about the consequences of ideas. Take an idea, or a philosophy, doctrine, whatever, and follow it to its ultimate logical end. Where does it lead? Obviously, a practice such as this may require a great deal of speculation as certain things are difficult to foresee, but the point of it is to force you to think carefully and critically about ideas that you might adhere to.

When it comes to the Gospel, the implications are far greater than anything else we can possibly imagine. Many things can be inspiring. Great music can move us to tears, the emergence of great men and women through difficult trials inspire us to persevere, and simply falling in love with someone can cause us to do do a great many things that we would never have done before. But there is nothing more powerful than the Gospel itself, something that has moved more people to martyrdom than anything else in history.

That's because the Gospel does more than motivate to higher levels of living, it gives us a promise that prepares us for death. It may seem counter-intuitive, in a world about living "Your Best Life Now" or the "Promise Driven Life" that, perhaps more than anything else, Christianity prepares you for the life to come more than the life we're now in. In this way, Christianity is more about death than life.

That isn't to say Christians stand around waiting to die, or even volunteer for it. Instead it displaces our hope in the temporary things of this life to the eternal promises of the future. In this way, perhaps paradoxically, Christians are more motivated to carry on the work that God has called them to now than those who's focus is only on their current situation.

As C.S. Lewis says in Mere Christianity
Hope is one of the theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. The Apostles themselves, who set on foot the conversion of the Roman Empire, the great men who built up the Middle Ages, the English Evangelicals who abolished the Slave Trade, all left their mark on Earth, precisely because their minds were occupied with Heaven...
...Aim at Heaven and you will get earth "Thrown In"; aim at Earth and you will get neither.

As ideas go, then, this brings up some serious implications of its own. Christians, whether they be scholars and pastors, or lay-people, regular parishioners, or new to the faith, often quarrel amongst each other about the differing doctrines. But it's these doctrines which are so crucial to the faith that point us to Christ glorified in Heaven and in turn move us to serve one another in love.

More than that, it is our eyes cast upon Christ in Heaven that ultimately gives us hope. In a world in shambles, where families are torn apart by untold amounts of horror, what good is it to pour on the exhortations of good deeds, of self help, and of trying to live victoriously for ourselves. This leads us only to self righteousness and ultimately despair. Rather, our victory has already been accomplished for us, and in the end, that answers the deepest longings of our hearts. Through Christ's victory we can eagerly await the day of His return, and are ready to face the trials and temptations the world throws our way, even to the point of death. True confidence, courage, and hope lies ultimately not in ourselves, or anything we have or do, but that which has already been accomplished for us.

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:20-21)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is the Gospel? Part 2

This is part 2 of 2 of the question, What is the Gospel? This is a brief summary of an address given by D. A. Carson at the Gospel Coalition national conference in 2007. To listen to the message, you click here. Part 1 of this summary can be found here

What is the Gospel?
...D.A. Carson went on to explain what the Gospel is in 8 summarizing words.

1) It is Christological. By this he means that the Gospel centres not only on the person of Christ, but more specifically his atoning death and his resurrection. Christianity, then, isn't some bland theism. In fact, everything is irreducibly centred on Jesus such that he becomes the one and only name by which anyone can be saved.

2) It is Theological. The gospel has a definitive purpose, and speaks about what God has done through it. First, that God raised Jesus from the dead, thereby defeating our enemy - death. God's purpose for Jesus in this was to die for our sins and rise again for our justification. In it God poured out his wrath on our sin, and this demonstrates the very punishment we deserve. Since it is God who is the offended party, it is he who must be repaid.

3) It is Biblical. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and was raised again according to the Scriptures.

4) It is Apostolic. To this, D.A. Carson credits Rev. John Stott. Look at the sequence of nouns in 1 Corinthians 15:11. 

Whether, then, it is I (An Apostle), or they (The Apostles), this is what we (The Apostles) preach, and this is what you believed. 

I, They, We, You. 

5) It is Historical. I already mentioned this in part 1. Jesus' death and resurrection are tied down in history. This means we can study it as a historical event just like we would any other historical event. In fact, the central claims of Christianity are irreducibly historical. Unlike other religions where God supposedly passes on his enlightenment and wisdom to an individual, who then carries that message to others. Jesus is God's revelation. You can't, therefore, separate Jesus's revelation from who his historical events. To do so wouldn't make any sense.

6) It is Personal. The above events are not just historical events or theological precepts, but they set forth a way of personal salvation. This is the Gospel we received and upon which we now stand (1 Cor. 15:1)

7) It is Universal. It is universal in the sense that it is for every person, gender, race, ethnic group, societal group, etc. Not to be confused with universalism.

8) It is Eschatological. Eschatology refers to the last things in history. The Gospel brings out certain things given on at the end of the world, namely justification. God has begun the work of sanctification as well, but we look forward to its completion at the end of times. 

Five Clarifying Sentences
D.A. Carson goes on to summarize everything as follows. First, that Gospel is normally disseminated through proclamation, that is, through a sermon. The good news is an announcement that must be explained and it's typically done in the context of the church's sermons. Second, it is received in and through faith and thus continues to produce results. Third, that it is properly disclosed through self-humiliation. You need to be aware of your own insufficiency and helplessness to be able to grasp it. Fourth, the Gospel, rightly asserted, becomes the bedrock confession of the entire worldwide church. And finally, that it is advancing boldly despite great opposition, and will one day see its final fruition when all God's enemies are under his feet.

Final Summary
"The Gospel is not exclusively cognitive. It is also affective and active. The word of the cross is not only God's wisdom which the world considers folly, but it is God's power, which the word considers weakness. This gospel transforms us - not by attempting to abstract social principles from the gospel, not by imposing new levels of rules, still less by focus on the periphery in the vain attempt to sound prophetic, but precisely by preaching and teaching the blessed gospel of our glorious redeemer." D. A. Carson

Saturday, April 09, 2011

What Is The Gospel? Part 1

Every student, scholar, and disciple of the word who has, at the very least, aspirations for Word and Sacrament ministry has some sort of hero. Or, if not a hero, then at least someone whom they admire for their wisdom, intellect, passion, or integrity, or anything else. They can probably list off several reasons why that particular person has been so influential. For myself one of them is Dr. Don A Carson. Every pastor brings their gifts to the table, and every congregation they serve benefits in some way from those gifts. My pastor in Grand Rapids, MI who served not only as Pastor but mentor to me as an intern, was very gifted in teaching through narrative. The beloved John Piper exudes such an enormous passion over Scripture, but (at least to my estimation) doesn't interact very much with competing philosophies, choosing instead to preach exegetically. While I can appreciate gifts and methods such as these, I happen to find myself among the types who think more propositionally and philosophically. That's where I've come to enjoy D. A. Carson's work. He's able to interact with alternative and secular ideas versus historic Christianity in ways that help discern that which is good and true, and that which is patently false. All that aside, however, one of the great pieces I've enjoyed from him most happens to be something rather elementary. It's his explaining of the question, "What is the Gospel?"

I want to mention I'm on a bit of an ongoing theme at the moment in case you haven't read the previous introductory post. As usual my posts are reflections of things I've learned over the years, but these next several in particular are about the gift of Truth. I use the word gift purposefully because, despite the enormous amounts of sophisticated arguments that shake our confidence thereof, it is truly a wonder that God has made himself known to us in such a way that we can enjoy his goodness and grace through a meaningful relationship. Christianity, by virtue of its nature, is inseparably linked to a view of epistemology that believes that people logically must be able to adequately understand and know of an objective reality outside of themselves, namely, God.

To put it simply, faith has an object. Does the object of our faith have any bearing on reality? If not, it's not only irrational, but just plain stupid. Consider the words of the Apostle Paul...

But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

This passage neatly demonstrates why a high view of Truth is so important to Christianity. Here we have something concrete and empirical for us, a genuine historical event. It becomes the very lynch pin upon which nearly everything else in Christian belief rests upon. What's more, it practically invites you to examine its credibility and explore its enormous implications.

This is why the Gospel becomes a fantastic starting point for understanding why we care so much about truth. It's not that people like myself have this nostalgic love for "the good ol' days" of modernism. Certainly not. Truth, in modernism, was determined entirely by man's own supposed enlightenment. Descartes' famous "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) became the bedrock foundation of knowledge in modernity. In this way, truth is discovered in the direction of man to God, not the other way around. Postmodernism, despite its criticism of modernity, does exactly the same thing. In fact, what many people think is postmodernism is often just re-hashed modernism all over again. Instead, it is God who comes to us, by revealing himself to us, giving sight to the blind, and restoring us to him.

Even if you don't care about modernism, postmodernism, epistemology, or anything of the sort (explicitly, that is) than you should at least care about what the Gospel is. The Dr. D. A. Carson did a plenary address at the Gospel Coalition conference back in 2007. In it he gave an excellent breakdown of what the Gospel is, beginning with what the gospel is not....

The Gospel is Not...
...a narrow set of teachings. It's not a list of instructions. It's not a list of "do's" and "don'ts" that are there to help tip people into Salvation, with a set of doctrines and other things to follow. It's not the first and second commandments, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbour as yourself. And they are not ethical teachings of Jesus devoid of anything doing with his death and resurrection. These things are all important. Hugely important. But they do not constitute the gospel.

We can all get excited about these issues. The danger is when the Gospel becomes the assumptions, and our passions are ignited over peripheral issues. Not to downplay the importance of them (e.i. good marriages, community, social justice, etc) but when the Gospel is ignored you risk reducing things to moralism--a works righteousness. But what makes the Gospel so important is its literal meaning, good news.

The Gospel by which you are saved is bound up in the fact that Christ died for our sins, was buried, raised on the third day and appeared to many people - the apostles and others. (D. A. Carson, paraphrased)

More on what the Gospel is to be continued...

Monday, April 04, 2011

On Knowing Truth - An Introduction

"What is Truth?" Pilate asked (John 18:38).

No other group of people in the world should have a greater concern for Truth than Christians. Our calling is not to simply live an alternative lifestyle, on personal betterment, or to greater community, but to Truth. Truth that is ultimately only revealed to us by a God who sees fit to give it as he pleases. To answer Pilate's question then, is among our most daunting but important tasks as Christians. It's a challenge made greater by the many criticisms, and charges brought against it by a world that refuses to accept it. Having been continually pounded by skeptics, cynics, and our own existentialist situations, many have had serious doubts about whether we can even know it at all.

But, at the heart of Christianity is a God who interacts with our own human history. A God who has spoken generally of himself in what he has made, and specifically of himself in what he has done. A God, who, through His son Jesus Christ, shows that Truth that is not just an abstract notion, but a being who has brought us into an intelligible, coherent, and ultimately joyful relationship with Divine Reality. To know God is to know Truth...

to be continued....